Saturday, October 9, 2010

Double the Scrubbing Bubbles

As I was cleaning the toilet this morning I realized I could stretch my Johnson and Johnson dollar even further. First of all, their toilet bowl cleaner set comes with a wand and an attachment that fits right over the tank to store it. Given our highly limited amount of space, this is a genius invention.

Johnson & Johnson also makes a disposable cleaner to attach to this wand and then flush down the toilet. The cleaning agent is embedded in the little pieces of paper-towel like paper. My epiphany came when I realized I could rip one of those match-box sized suckers in half!

It's best to take a single sheet of toilet paper and fold it several times to put in the wand with the cleaning sheets.

Now I get twice the Scrubbing Bubbles cleaning experience from the same package. Score one for toilet bowl cleaners.

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