Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Philip, Anastasia, and I went to Inverness over the 4th of July weekend. I must have been extremely focued on something else when we were leaving Sunday, because we forgot Anastasia's high chair, diaper bag, and stroller. I already turned around once at Sid Windham's on Hwy 49 to get my purse. We probably would have gone back to get them when we realized the other forgotten items, but I knew Anastasia was going to be going back to Inverness today - 3 days later.

So we've been roughing here at the Soen homestead. Anastasia hasn't minded roaming around free outside rather than being in her stroller. A Bumpo and belt was my resourceful answer to the absence of a high chair. I was kinda proud of that concoction. Needless to say, I will be very grateful to get those back next week when Anastasia comes home!

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